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Shower-Aeration Technology | Testimonials

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“Not only does the Oxijet save money and water, it also delivers a full luxurious shower that relaxes. I recommend that all households interested in saving money, water and obtaining a luxurious shower, invest in the Oxijet.” 

R Dunstan, Village Manager, Kawana Island Retirement Village

"With over 200 rooms we go through over 10 million litres of water per year, so any saving we can make is very important. We've found our customers prefer Oxijet over other 'low flow' shower heads, because it gives the illusion of full water pressure,"

Mr Walter Immoos, General Manager, Novotel Northbeach

“We believe based on the success of the trial that the Oxijet will provide the hotel an improvement of its shower water pressure to guests whilst also being environmentally friendly by conserving water” 

Michael Madden, Chief Engineer, Novotel Northbeach Wollongong

"Oxijet delivers great shower pressure and saves over 50% of water and energy.

When demonstrated, the Oxijet seemed too good to be true. It showed a reduction in water and energy of over 50% while maintaining great water pressure. I decided to trial 10 units in particular client and patient units that would quickly notice any loss of shower quality/pressure/experience.

Based on the positive feedback, the proven savings in water and energy plus the 10 year warranty, the decision to go ahead and install Oxijets throughout our whole facility was an easy one.”

Matt Stirzaker, Maintenance Manager, St Luke’s Care

After viewing the demonstration, I am convinced that the product does not only drastically reduce water consumption - it also improves water pressure!!

The water saving demonstration that Max provides seemed too good to be true, but there were no tricks involved. I have already contacted my owners requesting an install of the Oxijet in all of my hotel rooms as soon as possible.”

Lee Burns, General Manager, Comfort Hotel Adelaide Riviera 

"With the Australian states currently under water restrictions and efficiency protocols, water, usage in households is reducing, but the prices are still going up.  According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Oxijet will be able to provide a cost effective way to decrease consumption of water in households without sacrificing the comfort of a relaxing shower, this means you can save the same amount of water, while still enjoying your shower" says Dr. Wu, from the CSIRO. It also means that the dramatic increases in energy costs can be significantly lowered.

Jie Wu, Principal Scientist, CSIRO Fluids Engineering


 Click here to read the full CSIRO media release.



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