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Shower-Aeration Technology | FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Oxijet™?     The Felton Oxijet™ is a water saving shower attachment that changes the characteristics of your shower when compared to traditional flow restrictors. While saving water, it gives a luxurious showering experience.
How does it work?     The Oxijet™ utilise the venturi effect, jetting the water through 4 micro nozzles. This increases the water speed dragging air through the coloured baffles. This air volumizes the water stream, forming small bubbles that burst when they touch your skin.
Which colour Oxijet™ is right for me?    

If you have a shower handpiece, use the Oxijet™ with yellow baffles. 

Find out how to fit Oxijet™ to a shower handpiece here >>

    Oxijet_TP0114_1.jpg         Oxijet_Shower_Handpiece.jpg

If you have a fixed rose with a female thread, use the Oxijet™ with pink baffles. 

Find out how to fit Oxijet™ to a female fixed rose here >>

    Oxijet_TP0115.jpg         Oxijet_Female_Fixed_Rose.jpg

If you have a fixed rose with a male thread, use the Oxijet™ with blue baffles.  

Find out how to fit Oxijet™ to a male fixed rose here >>

    Oxijet_TP0116.jpg         Oxijet_Male_Fixed_Rose.jpg
Will it work for me/Installation requirements?    
If you have mains pressure (over 300 kPa/3 Bar), and a non-restrictive handpiece/fixed rose, the Oxijet™ should work for you.The Oxijet™ will NOT work if you have any of the following:
  • Low flow electric shower
  • Low or unequal water pressures
  • A restrictive handpiece/fixed rose.
What is it made from?     It is made from DR Brass, which is machined, and then chrome plated. The baffles are made from silicon rubber.
What is a restrictive handpiece/fixed rose?     A restrictive handpiece/fixed rose is one that has a flow restrictor or flow saving device fitted to it that can't be removed.Some handpieces and fixed roses have flow restrictors which can be removed. These will work with the Oxijet™, but the restrictors must be removed first.
Water out the air intake    

If your Oxijet™ is installed so that waterflow follows the direction of the arrow and yet water is leaking out the baffles there are two potential causes:

1. Your handpiece or fixed rose may contain a flow restrictor. If it is removable please take it out. If it is not, you may have a restrictive handpiece/rose and the Oxijet™ will not work for you.
2. The water may appear to be coming from the baffles, the actual leak may be caused by the Oxijet™ not sealing on the hose/stem's rubber washer. We've made the threads on the Oxijet™ longer than most fittings. They will work but it may not fit every shower in the market. Please check that the washer is installed correctly in the hose/stem, and that the Oxijet™ is tightened firmly.


Water leaks from air inlets when the shower is turned off


This is normal, and is part of the self-draining function of the Oxijet™. A common observation is that when showers are turned off, water left in the rose/handpiece may drip for some minutes before draining. A handpiece/rose fitted with an Oxijet™ will drain almost immediately.


Small splashes of water coming from baffles during use


This is normal. Small droplets of water may escape due to the turbulence created by the jets within the Oxijet™.

The Oxijet™ is noisy    

This is normal. While the baffles reduce the noise of the air entering the stream, the noise of air exiting your handpiece or rose is not preventable, and is simply a sign that the Oxijet™ is performing well.


Flow is too low

If the flow through the Oxijet™ is too low to provide an adequate shower, there are three potential causes:

1. You may not have mains pressure, and your pressures are most likely below 300kPa, and therefore the Oxijet™ is not suitable.
2. You may have a flow restrictor somewhere in the system. For a fixed rose, please check within the stem. For a handpiece, at both ends of the hose (including the wall elbow).
3. If neither of the previous situations apply to you, it is most likely that you have a restrictive handpiece, and therefore the Oxijet™ is not suitable for use.

Now my shower hose leaks

The flow resistance through the Oxijet™ will create extra pressure within your shower hose. We recommend only EN1113 rated shower hoses are suitable for use with Oxijet™. There are some shower hoses supplied into the Australian market that do not meet this quality standard, and these may leak under increased pressure. Replace with a standard approved hose.
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